
Cheque discounting, also known as cheque cashing or cheque factoring, is a financial service that allows businesses in Taichung to receive immediate cash for their cheques before the due date. This service is particularly popular among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Taichung, as it provides them with quick access to funds to meet their working capital needs.

In Taichung, cheque discounting is typically offered by financial institutions such as banks and non-bank financial companies. These institutions buy the cheques from businesses at a discount, usually ranging from 1-3% of the cheque amount. The discount rate is determined by factors such as the creditworthiness of the business, the cheque amount, and the due date of the cheque.

One of the key benefits of cheque discounting in Taichung is that it provides businesses with immediate cash flow without having to wait for the cheque to clear. This can be especially useful for businesses that are facing cash flow problems or need funds urgently for business expansion or investment. Moreover, cheque discounting is a quick and hassle-free process, which means that businesses can access funds within a short period of time.

However, it is important for businesses in Taichung to carefully consider the cost of cheque discounting before availing of this service. While cheque discounting provides immediate cash, the discount rate can be relatively high compared to other forms of financing. Therefore, businesses should weigh the benefits and costs of cheque discounting and consider whether it is the most cost-effective option for their financing needs.

In conclusion, cheque discounting is a valuable financial service for businesses in Taichung that need immediate cash flow. By understanding how cheque discounting works and carefully evaluating its costs and benefits, businesses can make informed decisions about whether to avail of this service to meet their financing needs.


HTC宏達電今(12)日發表最新一代U 系列-HTC U24 pro,12日起於 HTC 網路商店立即預購開賣,消費者至官網登錄即可獲得「HTC U24 pro早鳥禮」,並自6月18日起陸續於指定經銷通路出貨上市。原有HTC客戶更可於全台指定通路門市,參與「舊換新活動」,享有額外加碼優惠。

▲HTC U24 pro早鳥禮。台中支票借錢(圖/宏達電提供)

HTC U24 pro 搭載6.8吋沉浸式 3D 曲面大螢幕,並配備雙喇叭立體聲音效、120Hz 可調式更新率,無論看劇、玩遊戲都能依需求調整,帶來極致沉浸流暢體驗。此外,透過HTC獨有的工藝設計,機身四周搭載一體成型金屬邊框及雙側獨創黃金導角,可解決 3D 玻璃手機高質感卻容易脫手的問題,並帶來絕佳舒適握感,從小細節皆帶給消費者實用創新。

▲HTC U24 pro帶來春日下麥田所散發的奶油白柔和色彩,既溫暖又深邃,帶給人們一種平靜、輕盈且自然的感覺。(圖/宏達電提供)

HTC U24 pro 配備強大的3+1鏡頭組合,主鏡頭及望遠鏡頭均搭載5000萬高解析畫素,感光元件大幅提升,在不同光源環境下都能輕鬆拍出優秀細節。HTC U24 pro 相較前一代,在極暗環境下照片進光量提升最高達130%,夜拍細節更豐富,珍貴時刻不失手。此外,HTC U24 pro 亦配備5000萬高解析畫素美顏自拍鏡頭,自帶主角光環的人像攝影,讓每張自拍照都能展現最佳狀態。

▲HTC U24 pro搭載5000萬高感光前置鏡頭。(圖/宏達電提供)

HTC U24 pro所搭載的AI相機功能,帶來更多與朋友一同玩拍有趣的拍照體驗。不必刻意擺拍,人人都有好表情,自動合成最佳合影的AI最佳合拍 ; 還有趣味十足的AI手勢動圖拍照,比個讚或愛心等,增添拍照趣味 ; AI 夜拍人像修復,讓低光環境下拍攝的模糊自拍照片變清晰,NG照如同重獲新生,確保關鍵時刻不漏拍。


秉持著U系列「一切為你而生」設計,在效能上,提供同時在遊戲及多工處理上有著卓越體驗的新一代高通驍龍Snapdragon 7 Gen 3,具有顯著升級的CPU與GPU性能、增強的AI 功能,以及更加省電長效的電池效率。

配備支援 60W 快充組,並搭載同級機種甚少同步支援的無線充電與反向充電功能。在外工作或旅遊,總是會發生配件或設備有借電的需求,HTC U24 pro 系列提供可當行動電源的反向充電功能。

HTC U24 pro 擁有 IP67 防水防塵等級、配備實用的 3.5mm 耳機孔及具有更高的抗刮擦性和更好的耐衝擊性 Gorilla Glass 玻璃螢幕,同時支援螢幕下指紋辨識快速解鎖功能。內建 4,600 mAh 大容量電池。

▲HTC U24 pro搭載沉浸式3D取面螢幕,感受6.8吋寬廣視野,超大螢幕的視覺享受。(圖/宏達電提供)

HTC U24 pro可以與VIVE XR Elite 搭配,可將手機畫面鏡像投影至 VIVE XR Elite 享受300吋超大螢幕,並可在 VR 環境中瀏覽手機、啟動行動應用程式及檢視相片和影片。隨著 XR 技術的進步,人們在虛擬世界中進行的各項娛樂活動也更加豐富多元,如舞蹈、運動訓練和互動遊戲。為搭配XR社交娛樂新趨勢,VIVERSE 推出最新 AI 動作捕捉功能-Beta版,透過手機鏡頭進行動作追蹤,虛擬化身跟著舞動,讓溝通更添趣味。

▲HTC U24 pro太空藍。(圖/宏達電提供)

▲HTC U24 pro暮光白。(圖/宏達電提供)

HTC U24 pro上市提供 12GB / 256GB 與 12GB / 512GB 兩種版本及「太空藍」與「暮光白」兩種顏色予消費者選擇,建議售價為新台幣18,990元及20,990元。

台中支票貼現借款6月12日起於HTC網路商店、PChome購物、momo購物、Yahoo購物中心、蝦皮購物、神腦生活搶先預購開賣!消費者於6月30日前購買HTC U24 pro至官網登錄即可獲得「HTC U24 pro早鳥禮」-HTC真無線藍牙耳機II(市價 NT$1,490)。6月18日起全台187家指定經銷門市陸續到貨開賣,還有獨家贈禮。7月1日起陸續於全台中華電信、台灣大哥大及遠傳電信門市上市開賣。

此外,6月18日起至7月31日至全台指定經銷店點:地標網通、傑昇通訊、米可手機館、帝谷通訊及金馬講數位體系門市可享「HTC U24 pro 舊換新優惠」,持任一款舊機(不限 HTC 手機)至上述活動門市,選購 HTC U24 pro 新機,現場再加碼贈500元折扣優惠。

▲HTC U24 pro太空藍及暮光白兩色。(圖/宏達電提供)

以下文章來自: https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=1483134